Saturday, November 22, 2008

How To Make Simple Tropical Floral Decorations

Tropical flower decorations to be put in different places of the house are very easy to make. Use mainly palm leaves, hibiscuses, geraniums, some dried twigs and vases of course. The hibiscus lasts for only a day, which is really unfortunate. However the palm leaves last long and even when yellowed or dried, they look great.

An interesting thing about using dried twigs is that you can make a bouquet that will last really very long.

All you got to do is to glue a leaf to a small tube, attach an iron rod to the tube and use the iron rod to tie the tube to the twig. You can then place any flower you like in the tube and this will give a real nice look plus you've got an infinite number of possibilities if you got a choice of various flowers in your garden.

It's really worth trying.

Some additional tips:

You can use a gold spray to embellish the palm leaves

Some artificial flowers can also be attached to the dried twigs. This will give a nice look to the general arrangement.

If you do not have the iron rod at hand, you can use cotton threads or any other threads. Green ones will look better.

So table pieces, it would be better to keep the arrangement flat, while for other pieces, the height can be kept tall.

Always make sure to attain a balance in the arrangement, otherwise the arrangement will not look so nice.

By Morinn Chamilall


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